Profiles / Packages Charges Charges
Hb / Tlc / Dlc / Mp / Esr / Bt-Ct Each 50.0 30.0
Platelet / A.Eosino. Count Each 150.0 100.0
Peripheral Blood Film o 200.0 150.0
Heamogram o 250.0 200.0
Puo profile {Hb,Tlc,Dlc,Mp,P.Count,Wdal,Esr,Urine} o 400.0 250.0
Blood Sugar o 50.0 30.0
B.Urea / S.Crea / S.Uric Acid / S.Chol Each 120.0 100.0
S.Sodium, Pottassium, o 300.0 200.0
Calcium / phosphorus, Each 150.0 100.0
Kidney Profile {Urea,Crea, Pro,Alb, Na, K, Ca, ph} o 800.0 500.0
S.Chol / S.Tgs / Hdl / Ldl Each 150.0 100.0
Lipid Profile {Chol,Tgs,Hdl,Ldl,Vldl,Chol/Hdl Ratio} o 500.0 300.0
S.Bili / Sgot / Sgpt / S.Proteins / Alb Each 150.0 100.0
Hbsag / Alk.Phos, / Pti / Aptt Each 200.0 150.0
Hcv (1&2) / HIV (1&2) o 450.0 300.0
Liver Profile {Bili-T,Bili-D,Sgot,Sgpt,Alk.phos} o 500.0 300.0
Cpk Mb / Nac / Amylase Each 350.0 250.0
Blood  Group o 50.0 40.0
Widal / Vdrl Each 150.0 100.0
Typhi Dot / Mp rapid Each 300.0 250.0
Ra Factor Quantitative / CRP Quantitative Each 350.0 250.0
ASO Quantitative / ANA Quantitative / SLE Quantitative Each 550.0 400.0
Trop T / Tropnin I Each 1000.0 800.0
Infectious Diseases Profile {Vdrl,Hbv,Hiv,Hcv} o 1100.0 800.0
Thyroid Profile  {T3/ T4/Tsh} o 500.0 350.0
Urine R\E (10p) o 100.0 50.0
Semen / Stool / Sputum R/e Each 150.0 100.0
Urine For Preg Test o 80.0 50.0
Urine \Stool \Pus  C\S * Each 300.0 200.0
Charges For Sample Collection/Reports Delivery 100.0 50.0
Blood cell Counts Performed on  Fully Automatic Blood Cell Counter.
Electrolytes(na,k,ca) carried out on  Computerised Electrolyte Analyser.
Bio-Chemical Profiles done on  Latest Touch Pad Bio-Chemistry Analyser.
HbA1c, Aso/Crp & Micro-Albuminurea processed on  Instant Nyco Card Reader.
Charges are effective from April 2018 onwards
 Institution holds the right to change any of the charges without prior notice.